About Us
Qatar is a very competitive place. A perfectly clean and sparkling home and buildings Are most attractive. Through our own personal experiences, we realized how challenging This can be. Why should one partner take all the burden of making the home and buildings are shine. There is no shortage of cleaning companies in qatar. We Al Bashar Cleaning Company, over 5 years experience within the cleaning industry, specializing in providing our clients with good products at cost reasonable rates.

Years of Experience
Our Results & Status
What We Are
Our Vision, Mission & Goal
Our Vision
Our Mission
Our Goal

Why Choose Us?
There is no shortage of cleaning companies in Qatar. Yet, how many of these honor what they promise? That’s a tough question? Do they always reach your home on time? It’s always about counting the hours and before we forget, many exclusions to the maid services that were promised. This is where we want to create a difference for you.
Health & Safety
Communicate with the employees on matters affecting their health & safety and the importance of reporting or eliminating hazards by encouraging them to bring to the attention of management any proposals for the improvement of health & safety standards; there by allowing them to fulfil their duties safely without risk to themselves or others. Make available all necessary safety equipment and personal protective equipment (PPE) with a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP).
Call our leading team professionals to discuss your project today